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Delaware County Symphony Presents: Cross Sections Chamber Concert

February 4, 3 pm4:30 pm.
chamber concert

Delaware County Symphony’s third chamber concert of the season is on February 4.

Featuring pieces that cross the sections of the orchestra, this concert highlights chamber music groupings not often performed. Performances include Mozart’s Flute Quartet in D major (flute with strings), Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 8 No. 4 by Karl Stamitz (clarinet with strings), Adolf Busch’s Deutsche Tanze Clarinet Trio (clarinet with strings), String Trio in B-flat major by Schubert, and solo bassoon selections by Bach, Saint-Saens, Grieg, and more.

This Chamber Concert will be on February 4 at 3:00 PM in Neumann University’s Meagher Theatre. Tickets for the concert may be purchased at dcsmusic.org/tickets


1 Neumann Drive
Aston, PA 19014 United States