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Felting Fairies (2D and 3D Fibers)

March 22, 1 pm3 pm.

Design your own 2D or 3D felted fairy using fiber construction techniques including needle felting and sewing. All materials provided.

Irish fairies are traditionally titled  Aes Sídhe in gaelic or the Sidhe or Shee, which roughly translates as “the people of the mound.” In the spirit of the March 17 St. Patrick’s Day holiday, visitors are invited to create their own 2D and 3D fairies using needle felting, sewing, and a variety of fiber construction technique: methods including a standing figure or a flat frameable piece. 

Resident Artist Bonnie MacAllister creates 2D and 3D figurative work, and she will guide you through combining techniques and pattern making. All materials provided, all ages and abilities. Bonnie has exhibited at the State Museum of Pennsylvania, Woodmere Art Museum, Trenton City Museum, and the Yellowstone Art Museum.  She opens her studio 16 at Cherry Street Pier for community fiber arts experiences.


121 N. Columbus Boulevard
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106