State Organs Film Screening

As a 2025 Oscar Contender for Best Documentary Feature, State Organs explores how the rise of the Falun Gong movement caused deep jealousy within former Chinese Communist Party leader, Jiang Zemin, and how that jealousy resulted in Falun Gong practitioners being targeted and subjected to forced organ harvesting and murder, which continues today.
The documentary follows two Chinese families in their 20-year search for their loved ones who disappeared in police custody. Along the way, they uncover a harrowing government-run organ harvesting operation that has destroyed many thousands of lives.
With operatives of the CCP being arrested throughout the US, and the regime’s attempts to suppress Falun Gong throughout the world, this documentary is not only timely, but a vital educational film on a devastating and ongoing issue.
There will be a Q & A session after the film screening with expert panelists. Light refreshments will be served.