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Tiny Witch

Feb. 22, 7 – 8 pm. Feb. 23, 12 – 1 pm.
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Tiny Witch – a one-witch show

Conceived, Written and Performed by Izzy Sazak (they/them)

Director and Creative Doula- MK Tuomanen (they/them)

Tech Director, Lighting Designer, Sound Supervisor, Emotional Support Human- Newton Buchanan (he/him)

Special thanks to Malik Cherifi (they/them) for giving me The Song. And Tori Lewis (they/them) for being the best cheerleader of all.

Tiny Witch lives in a portal under your pillow. Every night they leave the 7th dimension and appear on Earth to bat away your nightmares with a broom they’ve made from your lost eyelashes. They are here to give a lecture on how to be a good Tiny Witch, as per the request of the Association of Inter-dimensional Guardians. You might learn a lot from TW; including how to properly woo spiders, how to slay a Bluebeard, and how to build an indestructible nightmare-crushing broom. All essential tools for surviving the long predicted, and much anticipated End Of (colonialpatriarchal)Times. Tiny Witch is an original solo clown performance; part anti-imperialist fantasy, part stand-up, all queer witchy sass.

Tiny Witch first premiered at the 2023 Cannonball Festival to great acclaim and enjoyment.

“It was like Queer Church!”- Izzy’s therapist

“So fun! I loved the part where you called me out for being from Florida”- some lucky human audience member from Florida (yikes!)

“It’s rare to see a clown be so sexy”- David, the human

“It was scary. But also very funny”- a wise human 5 year-old

February 22 – Saturday – 7pm

February 23 – Sunday – Noon

Part of Philly Flights: A Mid-Winter Mini-Fest


1714 Delancey Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103